Back To School!


I know that most are still in the mist of the summer fun. Many are still on vacations, going to family reunions, visiting friends and family but alas this will come to an end.

Though I know to some the word I am getting to utter is a bad word, we must start to consider that within a month most kids around the country will be back in “SCHOOL.” There I said it.

As we consider returning to the old books, there are a few things we might want to look at.

During the summer months bedtimes get pushed back because most can sleep latter. Remember the number one determinant of longevity is sleep. So this is a prime time to start to pull up those bedtimes to ensure those little brains are getting adequate sleep so they can perform stellar during the school day.

Make sure those before school visits to the healthcare provider have been performed. Make sure that all immunizations are up to date.

Check on the medications that the little ones are taking. Do they need refills. This maybe particularly so for those that take medication for

attention deficit disorder . Many parents curtail those meds during non-school time, but they may be needed to ensure your child is able to perform at the top of their ability and control their behavior.

Consider those extra curriculum activities. What does your little one really enjoy, what will benefit them long term with learning how to manage their lives and dealing with others such as being on teams. Will they have time to sleep, will they have time to be a child. Is their being in that acclivity more for you(the parent) than the child. Take a critical look.

Now getting school supplies is important. Each little one wants to look good and have the necessary equipment to perform in school. There are give aways each year for this but be cognizant and considerate. There are many kids in need.

Make sure your little ones start the day off with good nutritious food. Their brain needs energy from real food. Be careful of processed foods. If a food has more than 3 ingredients it most likely is processed and should be suspect. The

preservatives and additives may have long term effects on their bodies. Yes, food is expensive but the QUALITY of the food one eats is most important to longevity and success in life.

Consider the mental health of your little one. Everyone needs to be loved, made to feel special and know that someone has their back. Not all parents and caregivers know how to do this in a healthy way. How your little one is treated now will affect how they develop and even how they treat their own children . Trauma that parents experience before and with child have now been found to affect the lives of the children they bear. If you know you need help in the area of parenting skills get it.. There are many waiting and wanting to help.

Remember the little one did not ask to come here. Provide a drama free, healthy, happy life for them. Just as you would have wanted for yourself.

Marben Bland

Marben Bland is a pastor, writer and business owner

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